How to attend Interview


                It forms an important part of every job searching youngster. Most of them are used to be nervous and confused even before and after attending the interview. Here are few tips for them to make the interview a successful one and start their dream job as a desirable one. The points are classified as follows.

1.Things to prepare before interview.

2.Notes to perform during interview.

3.Getting ready after interview.

4.Few sample questions.

let's find in detailed proportion of the above views.

1.Things to prepare before interview:


  • Make a tiny research and homework about the concern in which you are going to attend the interview.
  • Have a note on the job requirements and the current issues of the company.
  • Get the papers ready as Resume, Previous job experience and arrange in a neat order and carry in a portfolio or a briefcase. This helps to look organized and professional. 
  • combing your hair, cutting your nails are a good practice.
  • Avoid bright and dark colour in your dress.
  • Polished shoes and suitable dress are needed.
  • Formal shirt and pant as in the case of executive and business suit as in the case of managerial postings.
  • Trimmed beard and mush and formal haircut essential.
  • Use underarm deodorant in order to avoid the odour of body while interviewing.
  • Neglect perfumes or deodrant with strong smell as the interviewer may get irritated by it.
  • Switch off your mobiles and devices that might disturb your interview.

  • Do not bring family members, guests, friends and others to the center.
  • In order to focus your punctuality and enthusiasm try to reach the place prior ten minutes the interview.
2.Notes to perform during interview:
  • Have a gentle smile which shows your happiness and interest in giving your interview.
  • Depending on the time of interview wish the interviewer a good morning/afternoon/evening.
  • You can give a handshake telling that you are pleased in meeting them.
  • You have to sit only if the interviewer tell you to do so and thank him.
  • Sit straight with a slight forward lean and hands folded which shows your interest in the interview as well as good manners.
  • Do not cross your chest or hands as it shows you as  a closed minded.
  • Have a good eye contact and at the same time don't stare at the interviewer as it makes them uncomfortable.
  • low level eye contact shows that you are lacking in confidence or else lying.
  • While speaking try to avoid thinking which shows you less confident.
  • Try not to lie and have a confidence speak.
  • Deliver a bit high energy in speaking with normal tone which represents your skills of communication.
3.Getting ready after interview:
  • After the completion of interview don't forget to say thank you having a good hand shake telling nice in meeting you.
  • If the interviewer does not call back within a stipulated period as they told you it's ok to call or send a inquiry letter about your candidate status.
  • If they still do not reply back to you try to concentrate on the next job interview.
4.Few sample questions:
  • Say some words describing yourself.
  • Sketch the reasons why you have chosen our company?
  • Tell me about your strengths?
  • Which are the points you find as your weakness?
  • On what basis we should hire you?
  • What are the details you have gathered about this company?
  • What for you look a change in your job?
  • Term your career goals.
  • Mention the requirements of your salary.
  • At the end any questions from your side to ask me.
  • What are your capabilities under working with pressure.
  • Mention the differences between hard work and smart work.
  • Explain the style of your management.
  • Do you find changes in you 5 years from now?
  • Are you a successful person from your consideration?
  • If you are allocated working in a project team what will be the position you prefer?
  • What will be your ideal job and the location of the company?
  • Right now tell us about your career options?
  • Will you be an asset to this organization why?
  • Will you lie for the company sake?
  • Person in your life stands as inspiration and tell us why?
  • Any toughest decision you have made ever which is to be noted?
  • What is your idea of starting the business of your own? 
  • How can you act as a team player?
  • On hiring you how long you will be working with us?
  • Can you differentiate confidence with overconfidence?
  • What is your opinion about night shift and weekend working?
  • What motivates you to do good job?
  • State the triggers of your anger?
  • Could you give us an example stating the creativity of yours.
  • Do you feel overqualified for this position.
    I hope that the topics would be somehow useful to the candidates walking to interview along with their curriculum knowledge. All the best for those who are seeking jobs for the future growth. Let's join in the next post which I think will be useful to you someway. Thank you for visiting this blog raju's basics to mind and heart.

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