How to develop your personality



The word personality denotes the set of behavior, attitude, emotion and thinking that makes a person to distinguish from others. It can also be referred as the aggregation of incidents and memories in a person’s life span.

Personality development is essential to present yourself to the world. None of us is born to excel in various fields. Experience and training prepare us to use our talents. It makes you to express your thoughts with clarity and precision.

Environment, Family background, financial conditions, genetic factors, situations and circumstances have the contributions towards the individual’s personality.

Why do we need personality development:

  •      More Employment opportunities.
  •      Increases self-awareness.
  •      Boosts your confidence.
  •      Overcome stress issues.

Know yourself:

Before getting to know all the things surrounding you It is something essential to know about yourself first. Accept your flaws, learn your strengths, weakness, learn more about yourself.

Have a positive look:

The action we perform and the thoughts of our mind should be positive, so that we become as an attractive personality. The way we think and the way we act has an inter effect. Among the situations cum circumstances with highs and lows we need to find out the positive, brighter and good parts from them. While our inside feelings are good we use to reflect it on the outside. Don’t try to resist your mind in getting rid of the negativity rather than try to dissolve it.

Project your opinion:

While making conversations try to give an opinion and take it forward to make you well informed. Do not get shy to project your opinion.

Try meeting new people:

By doing this we come across to know new cultures, new lifestyles exposing us to many things new. It has an effect on our personality.     


Regular meditation let us to feel relaxed and easier. It also makes us focused and happier more.

Interaction with all kind of people:

On interacting with variety of people we are becoming more confident and comfortable. We come to know about them and get a platform to have many new friends.

Smile more often:

As far as the personality is concerned your smile is the main add-on point. Have the smile as the first thing when you either receive familiar people or in the first time meeting.

More readings and developing interest on new things:

            If you have interest on few things there is only a little to talk about you. But if you read more and getting to know new things, being well informed more people like you. You can have interesting conversations rather than a dull one. While meeting new people you can share your knowledge or interest instead of thinking what to speak and being dull.

Be a good listener:

Listen to the people talking to you with attention, interest and importance. Try to maintain good eye contact without distractions created by the surroundings. This is the good way to deal and attend people. Never interrupt when others are speaking. Don’t be rude or short tempered while speaking.

Body language:

The way we talk, walk, sit, eat creates an impact on people around you. Having a good body language works on your personality. Walk up right with straight shoulders. Make a relaxed posture while sitting. Body language tells about you more than verbal communications.   Try to use positive gestures when interacting with others. It shows that you are ease in having a discussion.

Dress code:

Take care of the fit of the dress to your body, height, type, physique and so on. Try to dress according to the occasion.

Tips for Personality Development:

  •      Don’t try to compare yourself with others.
  •      Behave with kindness to everybody.
  •      Have a friendly nature while moving with people.
  •      Make a good practice in Communication Skills.
  •      Do not copy anyone.
  •      Be confident.
  •      Be strong.
  •      The qualities you want are in seed form.
  •      Give space to imperfections.
  •      Be a lion in the face of danger.
  •      Don’t fear mistakes.
  •      Do not expose your shyness or nervousness.
  •      Don’t use physical appearance as a way to describe yourself.
  •      What ever you know share it because no one can steal your knowledge.
  •      There is a light at the end of the dark funnel.
  •      Try not to find faults in others.
  •      Fight and quarrel never find the solution to a problem.

Tips about the personality and its development above may bring the awareness to one and all reading this article entering Raju’s basics to mind and heart site and shine in their official aspects and relationship among.



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