Skills Required for a Manager



A Manager is the person who is the in-charge of a unit or a department. He takes care of the tasks to be completed. He is responsible for taking decisions and run the organization in order to carry out the works effectively.

Manager means not only in the organization but also in our day-to-day life where we have to manage things, people, situations etc.,

Manger Skill is defined as the abilities an executive should possess to perform specific tasks in an organization. Good management skills are vital for a concern to achieve goals and objectives and succeed. Manager skills and leadership skills can be used interchangeably. Skills are important for all the levels of managers.

Categories of Manager:

Top level or administrative managers:

  • Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
  • Chairman
  • Vice- Chairman
  • President
  • General Manager (GM)
  • Managing Director (MD)
  • Deputy General Manager (DGM)

Middle Level Managers:

  • Production Manager
  • Marketing Manager
  • Accounts Manager
  • Finance Manager
  • Procurement Manager

Low level Managers:

  • Supervisors
  • Foreman
  • Superintendent
  • Section officer

Certain Skills are needed for the manager for accomplishing the work allotted to him. The following are some of the skills required categorized below :

  • Technological Skills
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Functional Skills
  • Listening Skills
  • Relationship building Skills
  • Delegation
  • Problem Solving
  • Decision Making
  • Team Orientation
  • Organization and Project Management
  • Motivation
  • Recognition
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Emotional Intelligence

Communication Skills:

Effective Communication of a manager makes the team an unified and motivated. The communication style should be changed according to the situation and person. Stronger the communication of the manager more likely the team completes the tasks on time and achieve success.

Texts, E-mails, Phone calls and conversation in person are some of the methods of communication. Managers need to be sent correct messages to workers and make sure they understand that.

Listening Skills:

A good manager should appreciate his team ideas and insights what they give. Critical information and problems could be understood by listening well.

Project Management:

Assigning tasks, foresee obstacles, finding solutions, having deadlines are some skills of the project Management.

Emotional Intelligence:

  • Identifying the worker who is overwhelmed of burnt out or struggling more.
  • Arranging a flexible schedule, reminding the workers about services and policies.
  • Managers should also recognize their own emotions and reactions.

Strategic Thinking:

It is the ability to think for the future and success, to avoid risk, and plan for complications.

Decision Making:

Decision must be made without overthinking or being struck by minor details. To get a team work done smooth choices are to be made best. More critical situations can be avoided by prior decisions.

Problem Solving:

Managers need to address, notice and resolve issues. It gives confidence to the team. Thinking ahead and expecting risks therefore finding solutions are the best option of great managers.


It is the skill to assign tasks to others and giving authority to them to perform tasks. Which person to perform a task is important. It also involves re-assigning tasks to someone else. Delegation improves efficiency, productivity and responsibility among the team.


Praising the team members, unexpected thanks for daily duties makes them to stay at their workplace. Both the entire team and individual workers need to be recognized consistently. A customer compliment can be shared to the team member or an award can motivate team members.


Manager should support the team member decisions with confidence. Taking online training, coaching classes, work related seminars helps it.

Functional and technological skills:

Software. Operational tools, equipment needed should be known by the manager. Computer programs, organization methods and the ability to use the same tools during emergency situation is important. New trends in technology, app implementation will reach the business goals earlier.


Business evolution, growth, new ideas, ways to perform tasks, changes occurred in trends must be made available to keep the team and business competitive, relevant and innovative.


Managers need to plan, schedule organize and follow the system. They should know how to predict happenings at what time. The process and rules of company as well as individual must be understood well.

Team Building:

Trust between managers and team members makes a successful and healthy team. The members becomes committed and appreciated. If the speed of anyone member is ahead then the teamwork gets failed leaving behind the rest of the members. Managers need to notice this irregularity and correct the situation.

Consistency and Reliability:

Workers should realize that their leader is stable, secure and reliable. They have to feel comfortable in approaching the manager. The managers must be trustworthy and respect confidentiality. If the team members come to know that manager do not support them, reduced collaboration and unhealthy competition will occur which leads to the abnormal situation in the workplace.

Ability to deal with changes effectively:

Taking right decisions quickly without stress when facing obstacles is important. The manager must be more adaptable and flexible.

How to improve Manager skills:

  • By attending Training and development courses.
  • Undergoing Leadership and management courses.
  • Completing Internship or period of volunteering.
  • Find part time work.
  • Take online short courses.

Now you may have an understanding of the soft skills a manager should possess. Having read this article in the site-Raju’s basics to mind and heart makes your team change better and create an impact in the organization is my hope.





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