How to Present a Seminar


A seminar is a gathering of people for the purpose of discussing a stated topic. Participants engage in interactive sessions about the topic. The purpose of a seminar may be education, lecture, personal finance, web marketing, real estate, business etc., Writing a seminar presentation can be divided into three stages:


First task is to learn the requirements carefully deciding on the topic and scope. The next step is to make a research to focus on the topic. It includes an introduction several sections clearly divided and a summarizing conclusion.

Using the slides practice the presentation in front of the mirror, ask your friends, family members to participate the practice. This will improve your speech delivery keeping calm your nerves.

Writing a draft:

Planning the paper, listing the ideas for amount of information to be covered. The next step is go for references and sources of information specifically not older than 5 years. Make the information pleasant by adding phrases and sentences. Finally, a revision of paper is preferred.

Making Slides:

The usage of slides in the seminar helps the audience to understand topic and memorize the information. It is better to have tables, graphs and illustrations. Text must be minimum with bullet points.

More slides with less information is better than overloaded ones. Excessive slides may be distracting the audience instead it should contain highlighted points.

You must have a prior knowledge about the electronic equipment like projector, mike, pointer etc., You must be familiar with Microsoft word, power point for preparing the notes and slides.

Don’t stay too long in one slide. Make the slides colorful attractive using photos, graphics etc.,

Good dress code:

The candidate presenting the seminar should dress smartly. As the presentation goes on you will be addressed by the way you dress. You should be dressed decently and also attractive at the same time not a disturbing one.

 Carry all the materials required:

For a successful seminar presentation you have to carry the necessary materials like laptops, modems, pen drives, slides, papers etc..

Use lucid terms in the presentation:

Try to talk with basic English words that a layperson can understand. Do not employ words that are difficult to understand.

Be demonstrative:

It is critical that you use examples to demonstrate the points of your presentation. You can use the power point presentation when needed.

Allow for questions:

During the presentation there will be questions and answers based on the experience of the audience. Whether you are not asked questions, you try to ask the audience questions. This shows that you are expertise on the subject.

Have faith in Yourself:

Talk boldly and effectively with confidence throughout the presentation. Keep an eye to maintain your confidence till the completion in order to make it a strong one. Have an attention on other presentations. Arrive early to the venue of the symposium.

Body Language:

Stand up straight, keep the hands out of the pocket, look at the audience, make an interesting statement to pull the audience attention. Try to convert your nervousness to enthusiasm.

The movements of your body must show positivity and confidence. Try to cover the stage by walking while presenting the seminar. At the same time do not walk unnecessarily.

Some useful tips to present effectively to the audience :

  • Assume the audience is intelligent as well as ignorant.
  • Give a good introduction to them about who you are.
  • Along with your name tell some information about your background.
  • Tell them what are you going to present and some key points about the content.
  • Never underestimate them of what he or she already knows.
  • Don’t give information to them already knows or don’t assume they knows a great more than you do.
  • Keep them oriented, make sure they understand at each step or the topic.
  • If all the audience are watching and listening you succeed. If the look of the people is lost you need to slow down.
  • If the discussion with them seems no end tell them you are pleased to continue the discussion after the talk and resume.
  • Check the allotted time fits to your talk according to the rate of description and level of detail.
  • Have attention to your voice depending on the words, the modulation should vary. It will become boring if you maintain the same tone throughout the presentation.
  • Avoid reading from the slides and let the audience read the slide first.
  • After completing the seminar, tell the summary about the seminar topics.
  • Thank the audience for giving time to speak and give them time to speak also.  
  • Share a fun with the audience often.
  • Ask their name and have a smile before interaction.

I hope the readers of this site rajus basics to mind and heart, will get the ideas relating the seminar presentation and will be useful to the people undergo the same and make the presentation a successful one. Thank you.





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