How to Prepare for Exams



In every student’s life the part of preparing for the exams is a challenging one. Performing well in the exams leads to secured job posting after the graduation of the candidate.

Board exams for the class10 and class 12 standard candidates, Degree level exams for UG and PG students, competitive exams for job seekers and higher studies for education whichever is considered, exams need to be attended after prior preparation.

Whether the exam writing candidates are children, couples after marriage or parents who ever it is they have to prepare for their exams well in order to get through.

Here are some tips in this site raju’s basics to mind and heart for the exam participants for preparing well and getting success in their future.

  • Have enough time to study
  • Select the area of study
  • Revise and rehearse
  • Frequent and regular breaks
  • Health consciousness
  • Good sleep routine
  • Prioritize more on important topics
  • Previous year question papers

Have enough time to study:

Set up a time table for your study. Make a note of number of exams and days to prepare then organize accordingly. It may take more time for exams than others and allocate time based on that.

Select the area of study:

  • Find a calm environment.
  • Have enough space to keep your textbooks and notes to spread out.
  • Make sure the light is enough for your clear vision.
  • Have a comfortable seat.
  • Try to avoid distractions and feel comfort and focused as follows:
  • Complete silence, Clutered environment, Background music
  • Whichever is suitable for you.
  • Make sure the gadgets like mobile phones, pc, tv etc., are in out of focus in order to avoid distractions.

Revise and rehearse:

Write down whatever you know about the topic in a paper for revision. Ask your brother, sister, parents to question you and answer them. This will make clear about the topic.

Get together with your friends and have a study revision. You can have questions or answers and your friends have vice versa. This will make you challenging.

Frequent and regular breaks:

Don’t think that it is better to study as many hours as possible. Imagine for a sports running for 24 hours continuously will make you tired and ineffective.

Similarly for studies, have regular breaks and avoid long term reading. Develop a study routine which suits you. Whether in the morning start after breakfast or if it is in night-time try to settle down earlier in the evening.

Health consciousness:

  • Look at the sunrise and enjoy for some time since vitamin D is useful to brain.
  • Choose natural fresh and vitamin rich foods.
  • Eat the foods which suits your body and avoid the foods giving problems to your body.
  • Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated while studying and even during an exam.

Good sleep routine:

Human body and mind rests during sleep and regains energy also the daily metabolism cycle is improved and strength is increased.

A good sleep routine is 8 hours recommended by doctors. Some prefer sleeping in early morning and sleep late night and some prefer sleeping in night time. So have a check about which routine suits you and maintain a healthy and proper sleep routine.

Prioritize more on important topics:

Try to concentrate on topics which are 30-40 % of the entire syllabus. There is a chance of more questions from these topics and getting some marks definitely by focusing these headings.

Consider more time for challenging topics. Highlighting, underlining, taking notes, re-reading leads to efficient learning process.

Take some time to find resources, videos, articles in websites, visual presentations in order to make the content understanding and interesting which motivates the study.

Seek the important topics anything left and try to focus on improving the studies on them. Have a practice test yourself writing the information you know and try to complete it by fixed duration.

Previous year question papers:

If you feel you have covered more topics try to go for previous year question papers and solve them.

Look at the question paper pattern first. Divide the marks and allot the total time for each question. Calculate the time to be used for answering individual questions. Try to write the answer at home by that duration level.

Some points to be noted preparing subject wise:


For most of the students mathematics is the challenging one. First go for basic topics, formulae and simple solving of problems. Practice calculations and numerical problems.

            Review the use of calculator, shortcuts for equation like square root, cube, fractions which will improve the speed of solving the problem in mathematics.


Understand fundamental theorems, application level questions, model question paper. While doing lab classes try to have a theory oriented ideas based on the experiments.


Practice memorizing more text and drawing diagrams. Drawing diagrams with more speed leads to effective exam writing as far as biology subject is concerned.


Basic reactions, formulae, periodic table should be reviewed thoroughly. Complex reactions and formulae practicing leads to second level. Understanding chemical reactions in the laboratory reacts in the knowledge of the subject.


Writing long paragraphs, essays will improve the clarity of writing. Practice more writing of the words which increases the speed of writing. Try to expand your vocabulary by searching new words outer the syllabus.

Computer Science:

Learning syntax, key words and codes thoroughly. Use online resources and tutorials to expand the knowledge of coding.

         I hope that above are the helpful points for the people who prepare for their exams and succeed in their future. In this site rajus basics to mind and heart this article about exam preparation helps the candidates preparing for exams is my desire. Thank you.



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